Thursday, November 27, 2008

Amali Akhir....

Yesterday, my student sit for amali akhir for Pengkomputeran Pejabat. I taught them this subject. I already mark their amali and i felt very disspointed coz one of them was fail for the amali. Luckily in Kolej Komuniti they'll total up all of your mark (carry mark + final), so nobody will fail for my subject.

but i'm still mad coz why this only student fail for the amali? actually i already give them the exercises but i still wondering why this student cannot do. A day before they sit for the amali, i give a similar question to them but most of them were not doing the exercise. Just does i feel?
during my study, if lecturer give any hint at last minute to exam it must be come out in the exam. but i dunno why the student do not grab this opportunity. very sad...........
thanks to my hubby coz he willingly lend his ears to hear my luahan perasaan in all the way back home. he also advice not too emotional and expect too much from my student.

just wait for Teori Akhir paper.

1 comment:

violet said...

oopss..sorry kak, dh terlambat nk cr meaning luahan perasaan..
geetha class la..
apepun, don't acpect too much to our students..hehehe..